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Kiwi immigration

Consulting company
Auckland, New Zealand

Kiwi immigration is one of the areas of work of the New Zealand company Kiwi. Their slogan — Change your future — reflects their direct activity. The guys from Kiwi Immigration help everyone who wants to move to New Zealand, advise them on general issues of relocation, visas, job search and housing, and also provide relocation services. The Kiwi team thoroughly knows all the nuances of moving to New Zealand, because many of them have gone this way themselves.

Services provided:
Website development
Technology stack:
Front-end developer. Back-end developer, web designer, marketer


Kiwi already had several project sites, and all of them were united by a common style in design. We were faced with the task of developing a new, stylish European website, but at the same time remaining in the overall style of the site.


When you have to adhere to a common style in design, you can inevitably go into empty copying. We didn’t want it the same way as the customer. Therefore, it was decided to generally follow the general trend of other Kiwi projects, but at the same time carefully work out the little things: fonts, icons, backgrounds.


We were given a clear technical task: the customer clearly understood what and where should be on the site, what structure it should have, where and what blocks should be on the page. We just needed to wrap up the finished «prototype» beautifully and bring our vision.

Since the main color of Kiwi Immigration is blue, we selected all background images in the design according to this color: these were necessarily photos in soft tones, with blue shades or complementary colors, but necessarily in a single style.

The selection of fonts for the site was a separate task for us. Since the site combined both the English and Russian versions, it was necessary to choose the optimal fonts for the titles and texts so that they looked equally good in both Latin and Cyrillic.

In the process of developing the design, we realized that we would really like to «revive» the site so that it would not be completely static. Therefore, it was decided to use some effects: for example, the process bar for the slider on the main page, a neat animation of the appearance of a submenu when hovering over a menu item, as well as animation when opening pop-up windows.

«Our company has already launched several projects and many websites. But each time the main problem was to find reliable designers and developers who are able to do their work efficiently and on time. The guys from True code have become such a rare and valuable exception. Perhaps this should already be enough.

But I’ll add it anyway. It should be pleasant to work. If you suffer with your partners, these are bad partners. The work should be done professionally and with full dedication. And also, the most beautiful thing is when the task is done better than your own TK. This applies to the design, structure, and development of both the Kiwi Immigration website and our other joint projects.

Thank you very much to the entire true.code team, in whose person we have found long-term partners, and this is a great success and happiness for any worthy business!»

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